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Mercado Libre takes the art of Lobo to Florianopolis

Artist Mercado Libre

Artist Mercado Libre

Mercado Livre Florianopolis

Mercado Libre inaugurates the Florianopolis Community with Pop Art of Lobo

Following in the footsteps of Melicidade, in Sao Paulo, Mercado Libre inaugurates the Florianópolis Community. The new headquarters, located in the Technology Complex of Florianópolis, has 1130m², capacity for 150 people, 12 meeting rooms, Open Space and space of Leisure & Conviviality.

Like Melicidade, space is inspired by the companies of Silicon Valley. Facebook, Apple and Tesla.

Mural Art – Pop Artist Lobo

With the help of Mercado Libre collaborators, Artist Paul has inserted components that reflect the company’s culture and achievements

The mural concept for the work area was inspired by Brazilian cities, mixing elements of Brazilian architecture, folklore and culture with the adherence of related themes and representing the Mercado Libre that has the largest buying and selling community in Latin America.

In this space, special attention was given to the City of Florianopolis, with special mention to the famous Hercílio Luz Bridge, which is one of the main postcards of Florianopolis.


Pop Artist Lobo paints Corporate Mural
Brazilian Art by Pop Artist Lobo
Mural Art Painting

In addition to the work areas, the new headquarters also incorporated leisure spaces. Here you will find the games room, doctor’s office, massage room, and the cafeteria.

For this space, the idea of the artist was to represent the company Mercado Libre in Latin America, we can notice elements of culture, folklore and architecture from countries like Equador, Peru, México, Argentina, Uruguai e Chile fused with elements of the company identity.

The unique murals, have the total size of 2.60 meters of height and 25 meters of width.

Art Mercado Libre
Mural Art Mercado Libre
Painting on Mural
Mural Art inspired by Latin America
Office Mercado Libre
Office in Brazil
Mercado Libre Florianopolis
Pop Artist Lobo

Moving from the canvases to the murals, Lobo’s challenge was to create a work of art that was in harmony with the architecture and especially to create an original work of art that represented the DNA of the Mercado Libre.

“To execute this mural for the Mercado Libre with the commitment to build a narrative that makes sense for the company and its employees, was my great challenge” says Lobo.

Florianopolis Community
Pop Art of the Artist Lobo
Mercado Libre Brazil
Office Mercado Libre Florianopolis
Pop Art Artist Lobo
Mural Art for leisure area in the Mercado Libre office
Pop Art Artist Lobo

The exploration of Pop Art as a language in the proposal of the mural made a real integration of the art world with the corporate world.

When art joins the architecture of a corporate environment, it relates to the environment, it makes up that space, it relates to the people who will work there and they will be lucky enough to look at it every day.

See the video of the artist Lobo painting one of the murals in Mercado Libre

Mercado Libre operates in 18 countries, has about 6 thousand employees and is the most popular e-commerce site in Latin America in terms of number of visitors.

The company is headquartered in Argentina and in addition to Brazil, the company has operations in Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Ecuador, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Peru, Dominican Republic, Uruguay, Venezuela and Portugal.

Mercado Libre Florianopolis

Mercado Libre is an innovative company and very attentive to the new trends of the corporate world when it encourages and supports the art and Brazilian artists like Lobo.

Mural Art embedded in the corporate world is not only a passing trend, it is the object of studies and scientific research that prove its efficiency.

The impact of the insertion of art in the work environment, is object of study of the professor and researcher of psychology Alex Haslam. According to him, a study indicates that there is a 17% increase of the productivity of the employees when they are in a space decorated with art and plants.

The art on mural is different from painting pictures because it is linked to architecture and allows me to explore space, go beyond the frames, I can go beyond and create an effect, create a new environment, it is a new area to be explored, says the artist Lobo.

Meet the Melicidade of Sao Paulo

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